Lawal Oluwaseun Ibrahim A.K.A Smile Hancy has called by his fan has become the ARTISTE OF THE MOMENT of Dejimanaire King Entertainment for the month of MAY 2013.

SMILE HANCY graduated from Olabisi Onabajo University in 2008 as a Biochemist, he is also an entrepreneur, singer, rapper, song writer and an energetic performer on stage. He started rap in the late 90's and his kind of rap entails some yoruba swag which makes him undisputed. He has featured in many musicals with known and upcoming artistes. His songs is hitting the air waves massively has he determined to give his fans the best of rap. His songs 'NMSP| Na Money Sure Pass' is receiving massive download has it reflects on our daily lives. [Click here to Download 'NMSP| Na Money Sure Passs ##DOWNLOAD##]