Famous Quotes About Feels


Any designer believes his gun is the best, and when its test performance is a bit less impressive compared to others, he feels bitterness and envy. ~ Author: Mikhail Kalashnikov

He knew a lot about his grandparents - and perhaps he feels he's been endowed with abilities to go into people's heads who are long dead - but, to a certain extent, he's making it up. ~ Author: Jeffrey Eugenides

I love you, Holder. So much," she says firmly. "And just so you know...so did Hope."As soon as the words leave her mouth, I'm completely consumed by a sense of peace. For the first time since the second she was taken from me, I finally know what forgiveness feels like. "I wish you could feel what that just did to me." I claim her mouth with mine at the same time she completely consumes my heart. ~ Author: Colleen Hoover

If tempted by something that feels "altruistic," examine your motives and root out that self-deception. Then, if you still want to do it, wallow in it! ~ Author: Robert A. Heinlein

Some people can't keep fighting. Some people want to escape. Some people are not ready—are not able—to find a way to deal with what's in front of them. Sometimes there's no one to help them. Sometimes they don't know how to ask for help. Sometimes it feels like there's no choice but to end it. No other way out. And sometimes it's impossible to see past that. ~ Author: Sarah Fine

It feels sort of euphoric, like we're in some sort of fairytale. Like she's Tinkerbell and I'm Peter Pan. No, wait. I don't want to be Peter Pan. Maybe she can be like Cinderella and I'll be her Prince Charming. Yeah, I like that fantasy better. Cinderella's hot when she's all poor and sweaty and slaving over the stove. ~ Author: Colleen Hoover

To attempt to describe how music pervades and flavors a life feels a little like an invasion of privacy, even if the privacy is my own. Listening to music,...is finally the most inward of acts--so inward that even language, even the language of thought, can come to seem intrusive...After all these procedures the unbreachable mysteriousness of music remains intact. The book can never be more than an interruption. Afterward, the listening begins again, to generate, in turn, other and completely different books. ~ Author: Geoffrey O'Brien

I know I've lost my mind. But I'm not concerned, because it's the first thing I've lost in a long time that actually feels good. ~ Author: Jonathan Evison

Barnabas's voice helps me drift off to sleep. I think briefly about how I've never felt this way about anyone else. I care about my family and friends, but this is a different feeling. This must be how my father feels about my mother. This must be what it feels like to be in love. Somehow, I'm certain.I know I can't leave him here to rot. I can't leave him at all. ~ Author: Kris Noel

Hate is such a strong emotion. Much more powerful than indifference. But those who burn with hate can also love just as intensely. Can't they? When you hate--or love--do you do so with all your heart? So much that it feels as if you might die from it? ~ Author: Morgan Rhodes

Famous Quotes About Feels



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DejiKing Concepts Enterprises: Famous Quotes About Feels
Famous Quotes About Feels
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