Aderibigbe Adedeji David A.K.A Dejimanaire King David cheers to a new age. 27th September, 2016.


At this age of mine I feel unfulfilled because I haven't done some few extra energetic things that gratifies me in my youth. Things like, Sky diving, Traveling hours on an ocean/sea, Visiting at least 3 continents, Snow boarding, to mention but few... Sadly, we grow old and weak by the day. I hope I have these things done in the sooner time. Meanwhile, I am grateful of the few things I have been able to do such as Flying kite on LSMC Meiran Field, Swimming at Odo Erelu in Meiran ( I doubt if that river still exist), Renting a bicycle for 5 minutes and ended up spending 30 minutes with 2 Naira 50 Kobo (Imaging the trouble I put myself with those Meiran downtown boys), Playing Mario with that popular family come game console and rescuing the princess two consecutive times with 3 lives. (Thanks to my mentor, Seyi Mario Esan way back 1997/1998) and Drinking Garri and Epa during break time in the Class as a SS3 senior ( Imagine having the whole class block scattering as if there was a fight going on), to mention but few...
In the meantime, I still look forward to achieving more important things in life, many of which I am already on track. You will vividly know that I still look forward to becoming the first Nigerian to altruistically donate blood the highest number of times. Next month, October, 2016 will make my 10 time donation and still counting. My
 are still growing on a steady pace... (We have newly added some Yorrywood and Nollywood movies in
 , you can check them out)...

Ultimately, I must confess that I got extremely gratified and excited yesterday even as I added a year. I got overwhelmed when messages and phone calls began trooping in, Profile DP's on social networks were changed to my picture, in fact, you'll recall I reported sometime that someone flashed me on Whatsapp, that person eventually called, all because it was my birthday. These and many more of your kind wishes, inspirational messages, Voice Note birthday songs, gifts and so much more haven't only cheered me but have also made me grateful of one single rare privilege which is LIFE because everyday we live, we face more than a thousand ways to die.
I want to particularly thank everyone who falls in one or two of these 4 unique categories:
1. Those who greeted me in advance
2. Those who greeted me on my birthday
3. Those who greeeted me in arrears and
4. Those who ironically love me.

As such y'all made my day.
We shall always have the course to celebrate ourselves.
Thank you so much.
E se pupo.



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DejiKing Concepts Enterprises: Aderibigbe Adedeji David A.K.A Dejimanaire King David cheers to a new age. 27th September, 2016.
Aderibigbe Adedeji David A.K.A Dejimanaire King David cheers to a new age. 27th September, 2016.
DejiKing Concepts Enterprises
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