5 Signs you are Progressing in Life even when you feel stuck


5 Signs you are Progressing In Life even when you feel stuck

No matter how stuck we may feel, it is always a good reminder to pause and question whether that is actually true or not. If we’re honest with ourselves, we will soon recognise that as long as we are taking some action towards what we want, we will not be in a state of feeling stuck for too long. The key is having the discipline to always look for signs of things going well in our lives.

Here are 5 signs that indicate we are on the right track and moving forward even though it feels like we are stuck in a reality we don’t like or want. These signs can help us quickly snap out of how we are currently feeling and start focusing on what needs to be done to get the outcomes we want.

1. You are experiencing more failures than successes. 
Failure is often a necessary ingredient for success. The more we fail, the more chances we give ourselves of actually succeeding. Experiencing failure is useful provided we are willing to reflect on our mistakes and learn from them so that we can do better next time.

2. You are focused on what’s important and not on what’s urgent. 
If we know what our priorities are and give them the focus they require, we will make progress. Being disciplined and not allowing ourselves to succumb to other people’s urgent demands when we are focused on what we want to do, is a sure sign that we’re on the right track.

3. You take personal responsibility when things don’t go your way. 
We all know that things don’t always go to plan. Rather than looking to blame others or complain when we don’t get the results we want, if we own up to our part in creating the results we got, it is an indication that we have a healthy attitude and will eventually get the results we want.

4. You aim to be an agent for positive change. 
If we strive to stay optimistic and enthusiastic about what we have and where we are heading, and also be a positive role model, we are already on the right track. Anytime we do something that uplifts others, it is a sign that we will be able to handle anything that comes our way.

5. You are consistently building your confidence by taking on new challenges. 
One of the reasons we feel stuck is because we don’t have enough new experiences in life. Whenever we attempt something new, it challenges us to develop new capabilities and competencies , which in turn, builds our self-confidence. The more confidence we have, the more we are willing to take on new challenges.

6. You are taking some action towards a goal you have set. 
Taking some action is often better than taking no action, provided they are actions that will move us forward. Even taking the smallest action once a week is a sign that we are making some progress.

When we feel we’re stuck, there are a number of consequences, which include:

- Lower motivation to do things to move forward.
- Unhealthy thoughts which will affect how we feel and how we act.
- Being in a bad mood which can also frustrate people around us.
- Reduced confidence in our ability to achieve what we want.
- Delay in getting the results we want.

There are always signs we’re on the right track even if we feel we are not progressing or moving as fast as we would like which are as above written.

Please comment and if you have learned something.



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DejiKing Concepts Enterprises: 5 Signs you are Progressing in Life even when you feel stuck
5 Signs you are Progressing in Life even when you feel stuck
DejiKing Concepts Enterprises
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