The fore stated sentence,is one of the hardest thing to say and thereby causing destruction of the subject.
by personal research,depression have killed more people than cancer and malaria all together.
we tend to ignore the fact that,70% of people around us are presently going through one form of problem or the other.
when i was about 7,8 or 9 year old,i was so so depressed at a time that i wrote a suscide letter and till date none of my family member knows about it (except they see this post)...nd thats because i didn't execute it.
what if i had enough energy to do it?
what if i didn't have a second thought?
what if my feeble heart didn't care about my loved ones?
so,there would be no "black skinny cute guy"?
there would be no learned thug (thugtohkawe)?
there would be no thug who is into poetry?
there would be no rapper who is very shy,but bold on stage?
is there a solution to this brooding and roaring problem?? yes there is!
we by ourselves can kill depression before it makes attempt to kill us and hurt our loved ones.
whenever you feel down,rejected and alone,please and please! get up and talk to someone about it,
if feelings still persists,go on to talk to another person...please!
just in case you are reading this and you feel there is no one ready to give a shoulder for you to lean on,
i may not be the best at it,but i am very good at getting people out of depression,cuz i've been there nd i know what it's like.
it's more preferable to live trying than to die a coward!
please have a second thaught,
killing yourself won't take the problem away,it will only pass the pain unto your loved ones in thousand folds.
suscide gives depression points over you and makes you a weak human who died a coward!
do you wanna die a coward??! no i guess.
face your fears i ball to eye ball,guts to guts!
talk to someone!
get an escape route,could be higness,music,movies,or art!
just get out of that deadly zone!
i don't want to loose any of you soon!
please don't make me type R.I.P on your wall!
be strong for me!
please share,save a soul!