How BeeVee Weavon Saved the Day and the Vagina. #NOD #Humour


Sometimes ago, a hairdresser made a hairdo for me,it made my face softer and rounder. Something light  for my fore figure head.

     Today,I opened my book of rememberance and it touched her.I am not a salon prostitute but I have a hairdresser for each hair specialty. Jack of all hair? Not on my head!
  Today I went looking for her,I have been to her place just once. I couldn't remember her shop but I knew if I could just touch the hem of her dress ,I will know her.

     In her street,there are hundreds of hairdressers in my left and ten thousand at my right side ,but only with my eyes I looked.
 I stopped at a shop closer to hers,thinking it was hers.
I got there and all eyes on me already.  I had entered fully. It was too late to turn back.
   'Aunty,what do you want?'

'Em,do you sell weavons'

'Yes', she replied.

'Which one do you want'

I quickly rack my brain  but my brain failed me.
I didn't want to mention just anything even. I suspected they have everything,so I had to be careful. All eyes were already on me. I had to save myself from the embarrassment.

My brain picked up. A condition came to my head; BV .
‘’Beefee ?’’, she asked.


     Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is the most common cause of vaginitis. Bacterial vaginosis is caused by a change or imbalance in the types of the bacteria normally found in the vagina and causes an overgrowth of organisms.
     Fess of all,I want to tell us that the vagina has its own ecosystem. Bacteria dey there yanfu yanfu,there’s nothing you can do about it,they are new every morning,great is their function. They are normal flora,when you disrupt them,you are exposing yourself to infection.
Vagina discharge and burning ,itching are common symptoms of the various forms of vagina infection .Although the symptoms of these infections can be very similar, there are some differences . A lot of times people treat yeast infection when it’s not fungi that’s doing them. They will abuse flagyl so tey,them go abuse him papa and mama,yet the infection will do odoshi,e no go gree go!
     Vaginal infections could be caused by fungi,bacteria,and other parasites. The only sexually transmitted vaginal infection is trichomoniasis. Other causes of vagina infections are allergies to detergents,spermicides,Don’t worry about the big grammar,we all went to grammar school.

Risk factors of vaginal  infection are frequent Douching,use of intrauterine devices,frequent use of antibiotics,contraceptive pills and others.

    Auntie Ness,ejo ti poju,what’s the treatment?
Well, the treatment depends on the culprit,i mean the organism involved.
You know #NOD dwells solely on promotion of health and prevention,so don’t expect me to prescribe for you ,ema binu😀

The best ways to prevent bacterial vaginosis are not known,but yeast infection can easily be prevented.

Keep your vaginal area dry, especially after a shower.
Wipe from front to rear after using the toilet.

Avoid Douching; using chemicals on your vagina to keep it clean. Ha,eyin omo Science Student,it’s not good ehn,don’t finish your normal flora. Some people will even use baking powder to douch,haba, you can’t eat your cake and have it , when you are not #DarkBaker,the good baker of the year 😀

Avoid tight fitting jeans. Let that place breathe. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.
The infection through sex can be prevented by avoiding multiple sexual partners,using sheath.

I beg you in the name of anything you serve,stop abusing antibiotics. One day,them go abuse you o,dem go call you ashawo.

Some of these vaginal infections may mimick other pelvic diseases,so it’s always better to seek a medical help.

'’So Madam,do you have the new weavon .. em.. em.. BV weavon'’, I asked again.
 It was not available. Ofcourse,I knew it will never be available. I coined it!
But ,she promised to help me get in the market.😀

  I left there after that scenario and I got the real person I was looking for.

Do you have BV weavon in your area?




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DejiKing Concepts Enterprises: How BeeVee Weavon Saved the Day and the Vagina. #NOD #Humour
How BeeVee Weavon Saved the Day and the Vagina. #NOD #Humour
DejiKing Concepts Enterprises
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