Amazing 47 Facts you want to know today.


Amazing 47 Facts you want to know today

You wonder about some events and realities that seem not to be true but when you go further to find out more, you will realize they are true and indeed are facts.

Fact 21 and 25 will let you know why you need to do that thing more... 😉😃

Fact 41 celebrates men with unendowed gbola. 🤫

Is Fact 21 the reason women behave anyhow during pregnancy? 😱😨

Feeling depressed? Check out Fact 42 to win the battle against depression.

Is Fact 47 advice or indeed a fact? 🤷🏽‍♂️ Let us know in your comment. 

Feeling depressed? Check out Fact 42 to win the battle against depression.

These and many more would you find in Amazing 47 Facts. Relax, while you enjoy these 47 facts.

1. Davido has become the first Nigerian artist to be featured on a FIFA World Cup soundtrack

2. Deep breaths act as “psychological and physiological resetters” Slowing down and deepening your breathing can influence your mind, boost alpha activity, and create feelings of relaxation

3. Being in love heightens the senses and makes food taste sweeter

4. Viagara can double the shelf life of cut flowers, making them stand up straight for as long as a week beyond their natural life span

5. On April Fools' Day 2007, Google sent an e-mail to its New York employees saying a python was loose in their office. They weren't joking

6. Apanthropy: An aversion to spending time with other people; a love of solitude

7. The average person wastes 21.8 hours a week

8. Men with larger bellies and higher BMIs last an average of 7.3 minutes longer in bed than slimmer guys, according to a study from Erciyes University

9. Cuddling can help heal physical wounds faster due to the release of oxytocin

10. Redamancy: The act of loving the one who loves you; a love fully returned

11. Every time you learn a new fact, your brain changes

12. Drinking water can help you lose weight by increasing fullness and boosting your metabolic rate

13. Crying helps your body release excess stress hormones, which is why you feel better after doing so

14. When sliced bread was first sold in 1928, it was marketed as, "the greatest forward step in the baking industry since bread was wrapped"

15. Hindermate (n.) A friend who tends to make things more difficult, rather than helping

16. If a male pees on a pregnancy test and the results are positive, it could be indicative of cancer

17. "Orthosomnia" is a condition in which someone becomes so obsessed with getting a good night's sleep, they actually lose sleep over it

18. Eating at least two servings of avocado a week can reduce your risk of having a heart attack

19. Living with a view of water (the ocean or a lake) can make you calmer, happier, and more creative

20. Women burn more calories during sex if they reach orgasm

21. Having sex can unblock a stuffy nose.

22. Will Smith was offered the role of Neo in "The Matrix," but ultimately declined to film "Wild Wild West" instead

23. Your mind spends about 70% of its time replaying memories and creating scenarios.

24. Depression is the most common disability in women - About 25% of all women will experience severe depression at some point in their lives.

25. Sex burns 360 calories per hour.

26. Smelling coffee can help reduce stress.

27. The chills you sometimes feel when listening to music is called "musical frisson."

28. The 'butterflies’ you get in your stomach when you see someone you like is actually a stress response called adrenaline.

29. A woman’s brain shrinks during pregnancy and can take up to six months to regain its full size.

30. People who enjoy helping others and or spending money on others tend to be less stressed, happier and live longer.

31. “Synesthesia” is a neurological condition that can cause a person to see, smell and taste music.

32. Smiling is 70% more attractive than wearing makeup.

33. Singing in the shower helps boost your immunity, lower your blood pressure, reduce stress, and improve your mood.

34. If you sleep on your right side you will fall asleep faster than sleeping on your left side, although it is healthier to sleep on your left side.

35. Athazagoraphobia: The fear of being forgotten and or ignored by someone whom you strongly care about.

36. Ambivert is the balance between introvert and extrovert.

37. Eating bananas, pasta, almonds, grapes, oatmeal, chocolate, watermelon, orange juice, cornflakes, and tuna can help relieve stress.

38. Stomach rumblings are caused by air moving through your digestive tract and doesn’t always mean you are hungry.

39. Studies show it’s the closeness of the relationship, not the frequency of seeing a person, that determines how welcome an intimate touch is.

40. A mouth and a vagina are made of the same type of skin cells.

41. In Ancient Greece, small penises were celebrated and seen as a sign of high intelligence and self-control. Men with large penises were seen as grotesque, laughable and barbaric.

42. When feeling depressed, do some cleaning. Straightening out the physical aspects of your life can also bring clarity to the mental one

43. In Japan, citizens aged 40-74 have their waist measured annually. If their waist is over 34" (men) or 36" (women) they are sent to nutrition & exercise professionals. Since the law was introduced, obesity dropped below 4% and life expectancy is higher than anywhere in the world.

44. Africa is the only continent in the world that stretches across all four hemispheres, with most of the continent located in the Northern and Eastern hemispheres. This also means that Africa is the only continent with land both on the Equator and the Prime Meridian.

45. In 2019, a Brazilian mother, Silvia Grecco, won FIFA's best fan award after she was spotted in the crowd explaining the entire match to her 11-year-old blind son.

46. In 1970, a woman in Arizona filed a lawsuit against God after a lightening bolt struck her home. She won the case by default after the defendant failed to turn up in court. 

47. Trust your instinct.



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DejiKing Concepts Enterprises: Amazing 47 Facts you want to know today.
Amazing 47 Facts you want to know today.
DejiKing Concepts Enterprises
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