The Struggle of a Tech-preneur in Nigeria: A Comedy of Errors


Oh, the joys of living in Nigeria as a tech-preneur! The land of constant power outages, blown transformers, and nonexistent telecom coverage. It's a wonder we get anything done at all!

Picture this: I'm on a mission to launch my groundbreaking tech startup. I've got big dreams, lofty goals, and a killer app that's going to revolutionize the industry. But there's just one tiny problem - I can't seem to get access to electricity to save my life.

I hop from state to state, chasing after the elusive power supply like a desperate scavenger. Each time I think I've found a solution, bam! The transformer blows, leaving me high and dry. It's like a cosmic joke, a never-ending cycle of frustration and despair.

And don't even get me started on the telecom coverage. Or should I say, lack thereof? It's like trying to catch a signal in a black hole - impossible. I dream of installing solar panels to save the day, but alas, my humble abode is a dead zone, a technological wasteland.

So there I am, sitting in the dark, cursing the heavens and wondering how on earth a country can survive without electricity. It's a comedy of errors, a tragicomedy of epic proportions. I try to meet deadlines, achieve goals, and make a name for myself in the tech world, but at every turn, I'm thwarted by the sheer ridiculousness of it all.

But hey, what's life without a little challenge, right? I may be a tech-preneur in a country that's hell-bent on testing my patience, but I refuse to give up. I'll keep chasing that elusive power supply, fighting the good fight, and dreaming of a day when Nigeria will rise above its electrifying shortcomings.

So here's to all the tech-preneurs out there, battling the odds and making magic happen in the face of adversity. We may be struggling, we may be frustrated, but we'll be damned if we let a blown transformer get the best of us. Stay strong, stay innovative, and never stop believing in the power of a good laugh - even if it's tinged with a hint of bitter irony.



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DejiKing Concepts Enterprises: The Struggle of a Tech-preneur in Nigeria: A Comedy of Errors
The Struggle of a Tech-preneur in Nigeria: A Comedy of Errors
DejiKing Concepts Enterprises
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